Sunday, March 22, 2020

Dutch Turns Eight

Dutch started off his 8th birthday with a happy birthday message on the school's digital message board.

Then he had a sleepover with a few of his closest friends. It was a lot of video game playing and Nerf wars, and little sleep for everyone! But, he had a great time. The next night, we hosted a family party so he could celebrate with his cousins.

Over the past year, Dutch has become even more of a bookworm. He reads in bed every night, sometimes for hours. As soon as he is done with his work in school, he picks up a book and starts reading (sometimes getting in trouble for it because he speeds through his assignment!). We went to Fossil Rim and he read a book in the back of the car instead of interacting with the animals. It's a serious obsession! He also loves math, but is definitely not a fan of handwriting!

As I usually do, here's a list of some of the funnier/more profound things he's said recently:

- "I'm a curious child, okay!"
- "That's a little bit savage."
- "I don't know; I'm just assuming."
- "Sometimes when my friends are talking, and it's boring, I play games inside my head."
- "I'm a street rat. I don't have any money."
- "He's the most braggiest person!"
- "Today I had the first headache I've ever had in my life."
- "Are we basically spending money every second?"
- "I'm gonna turn over a new leaf."

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