Monday, April 17, 2023

Skin Cancer

Looks like I’ll never be a middle-aged model! This is my PSA to get your skin checked! In November I noticed a small spot on my face that felt unusual, so I went to a dermatologist.

They performed a biopsy and sure enough it was skin cancer - basal cell carcinoma. Very common and routine to remove, especially because I caught it early, but the location on my cheek, next to my eye, made me nervous. I had Mohs surgery in late December and they were successful in removing it all.

The first few days post-surgery were rough because of how the surgery site looked, but happy to say things are returning to normal now. Here's a photo progression:

Couple days after surgery

Seven days after surgery

Ten days after surgery

4 months after surgery

There's definitely a scar, but most days I don't even try to cover it with makeup because it doesn't bother me. I ordered Silagen 100% Pure Silicone Gel two weeks after surgery to help with scar minimization and I've been using it ever since. I think it's making a difference because most people don't notice the scar without me pointing it out. 

Wear sunscreen and get your skin checked regularly! 

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Dutch Turns Eleven

It feels like we were just celebrating 10, but alas my oldest has turned 11. He's matured this past year and started to become more independent, but he still tells me he loves me every day, still goes to bed reading a book every night, and still gets annoyed if his bed sheets aren't perfect. I love his quirks and his smile and how big his heart is. He kills it at academic competitions, does the daily Wordle and mini crossword, and loves it when Jeopardy has questions about Greek mythology. He plays online games with his friend group and likes exchanging friendship bracelets. He asks me to paint his nails and doesn't care what anyone thinks. Sometimes he walks home from school, just to get some exercise and fresh air. He loves his little bro and our Corgi. He's super picky about foods, and has annoyingly high standards around macaroni and cheese. He got his love of soft pretzels from me. His favorite dessert choice is Sweet Frog frozen yogurt. He doesn't hesitate to grab the microphone when we're playing Rock Band. He's a very good kid and I'm lucky to be his mom.