Monday, April 17, 2023

Skin Cancer

Looks like I’ll never be a middle-aged model! This is my PSA to get your skin checked! In November I noticed a small spot on my face that felt unusual, so I went to a dermatologist.

They performed a biopsy and sure enough it was skin cancer - basal cell carcinoma. Very common and routine to remove, especially because I caught it early, but the location on my cheek, next to my eye, made me nervous. I had Mohs surgery in late December and they were successful in removing it all.

The first few days post-surgery were rough because of how the surgery site looked, but happy to say things are returning to normal now. Here's a photo progression:

Couple days after surgery

Seven days after surgery

Ten days after surgery

4 months after surgery

There's definitely a scar, but most days I don't even try to cover it with makeup because it doesn't bother me. I ordered Silagen 100% Pure Silicone Gel two weeks after surgery to help with scar minimization and I've been using it ever since. I think it's making a difference because most people don't notice the scar without me pointing it out. 

Wear sunscreen and get your skin checked regularly! 

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