Saturday, July 7, 2012

Another Loss

My family is still in the grieving process over the loss of my Oma last week, and we were hit with a heart-wrenching tragedy on Friday.  Without going into too much detail, my dad's brother, Lou, very suddenly and unexpectedly passed away.  He had just turned 69 two weeks ago.  Losing two family members in a week's time is just ridiculous and cruel, and for my dad, it meant saying goodbye to his mother and brother.  Of the 5 family members that made the journey from Holland to America in 1955, my dad is the only one that remains.

My heart aches for my sweet Aunt Jos, who was married to Lou for 40 years.  The hurt she is feeling right now is incomprehensible. 

There is a lot I could say about the past dozen years leading up to this one, but I'll leave it at this.  Relationships can be ruined because of misunderstandings, grudges, and hurt feelings between family members.  People can miss out on important events in each others' lives.  You can't get those years or missed memories back.  I'm pissed that my uncle won't get to see my son grow up, but that outcome is out of my control.  On the other hand, I am so grateful that my aunt will be in my son's life, because it's not too late for that to happen.  We're all moving forward, and whatever happened in the past, is the past.  Life is too short.

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