Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tuesday Dinner

I know yesterday was Valentine's Day, but really it was just another Tuesday in my household!  Meezy and I aren't big on celebrating this "holiday" because it doesn't mean anything special to our relationship or to our personal lives.  I think we do a pretty good job of showing how much we love each other on a daily basis, so there's no special incentive to do it up big on this one day.  So, with that said, for Tuesday dinner I made us some yummy healthy-ish taco salads, followed by some very not healthy chocolate chip lava cookies.  I got the cookie recipe from here.


I opted to use store-bought chocolate chip cookie dough instead of making it from scratch, and I really underestimated how much I should get.  I mean, the amount was fine for 2 people, but if you're planning on making it for a group or having leftovers, get a large roll/tub of cookie dough.  I started putting out the first layer of dough into the muffin pan, and I only made it to about 6 before realizing I had already used half the roll.  I melted the chocolate chips (and also melted some white chocolate chips to see how that would taste) and poured a layer of the chocolate over my cookies in the pan.  Then I went through to put the second layer of cookie dough on.  I think you need to put more cookie dough on the top than you did on the bottom, because mine came out sunken in, more so than the pictures on the recipe.  If you use white chocolate too, like I did, you'll notice that it thickens up a lot quicker than the milk chocolate, so you've got to make sure not to microwave it for too long, and then you'll need to use it quickly in the preparation.  The white chocolate is going to come out a little harder and less lava-like after the baking, but it's still going to taste pretty darn good.  I put vanilla bean ice cream on top of mine, and Meezy ate his plain.  We both agreed they were quite delicious!

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